Tuesday, June 24, 2008

What's a Mommy to do?

Motherhood is a challenge for any woman. Add any impairment that interferes with life and things can get really difficult. I, myself, live with Chronic Lyme Disease and the symptoms that continues to annoy me with. It gets in the way of things I need to do and things I want to do. It really doesn't matter what chronic impairment a Mom might have... be it chronic migraines or Depression or Multiple Sclerosis. Anything that saps energy from our mothering is a difficult hurdle.

Sometimes I'm just feeling too sick to play a fifth round of "baby animals" with my 3 year old daughter. Sometimes I can't bring my daughter to the playground. Meeting up for playdates with other Moms is sometimes a rare treat particularly right now because my brain has decided that I no longer need sleep after 3:30am in the morning. I'm pretty good at driving half asleep but I don't recommend it and I just don't do it anymore. Being the Mom I want to be or even half the Mom I want to be is more often a challenge than not.

This blog hopefully will have resources for us Sick Mommys. I know you are out there. It will also have understanding and some humor because I definitely know what you're going through sister!

My first suggestion is a support site named Daily Strength. It's a social network site for people looking for support for their particular Life Difficulty as I will call it. We all have them... some are more interference than others.

I hope today is a good day for you.

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