Monday, June 30, 2008

Dealing with Sick Mommy Guilt

Typical Mommys feel enough guilt but when you add in the inevitable flare/crash/emergency the guilt can come on full force. It's so hard on those days when your kiddies ask you to play and you have to say no and just be the lounging bystander. Of course, unless you make a big deal about this your child will probably not care much at all but that doesn't keep us SMs from beating ourselves up.

The drive to be Super Mommy doesn't disappear completely when you're a Sick Mommy. I think the key is to have some sedentary activities (or at least indoor ones) that your kiddie can do while you sit or lie down to rest. Have the supplies ready and remember to keep clean up in mind. You don't want to do fingerpainting if the clean up is going to involve a mop and a hose...

Here is a list of come indoor activities from Essortment.

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